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1960s Fads And Budget Labels

In the 1960s, there were quite a few musical fads, the twist, hot rod records, limbo, and discotheque, just to name a few, which appear on many records of the day. The 1960s brought a new style to budget label marketing, production of generic music releases were, for the most part, put on the back burner, and the production of cash-in fad records came to the fore-front. There were basically two kinds of budget fad cash-in records; option one was when a given label took older back catalog material with even a remotely similar style and just renamed the tracks, or option two used cheap studio musicians to record albums in the fad's style. Regardless of what kind the fad record was, they are often interesting to collect and listen to, especially the real train wrecks that somehow received the green light from their respective producers!

Let's look at the Twist, one of the first major 60's dance fads. 

Bossa Nova


The Hot Rod Craze: Records featuring car songs and the constant use recordings of cars peeling out and other car-related sounds in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Joe Houston's Limbo LP is a new one to me. Ace UK bought all the Crown masters, and I don't know if they've included those tracks on any of their CD reissues.

    On the Diplomat Bossa Nova LP, every copy seems to have slight skips where the needle doesn't move - the same with some of their guitar duo (Dan & Dale? whatever they named them) LPs. Those might be dubbed from records.

    I forget which budget Twist LP was the worst: the one on Coronet or the one on Grand Prix.
