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Berlin Opera Soloists and Orchestra- Martha (Flotow) - Royale Records (EP 173) - 45 RPM Red Vinyl


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This appears to be a very obscure release, as a Google search only pulled up the more complete "excerpts" LP version of this album on Royale Records. No names of the selections are specified on the record label or jacket. The back side of the record jacket is a generic catalog back slick typical of most Eli Oberstien releases. 


  1. Very well sung and surprisingly with little surface noise. It is a pirate. probably from the war years or just after. The big hit "Ach So Fromme" is not included here. If you have more of these please post.

  2. Further deep research (Googling) yielded:

    Royale 1355 (1951) (sic!) - Flotow: Martha ("excerpts") - "Inge Camphausen, soprano / Wilhelm Horst, tenor / Berlin Opera Orchestra and Choir / Gerd

    As already mentioned in the author's earlier article, this record contains, apart from three excerpts from Martha, some portions from Flotow's one-act opera 'Die Witwe Grapin'. These parts have been classified as coming "most likely from a 1951 production of Radio Frankfurt". The author apologizes for this wrong assumption. New evidence, above all the identification of the voices, and an entry in a radio journal, now make a correction necessary and possible. These excerpts come from the 1948 NDR Hamburg production with Helmut Melchert, Margot Guilleaume and Siegmund Roth, the Hamburg Radio Orchestra played under Harry Hermann Spitz. The original tape no longer exists.
