To my followers, I am sorry for the ads I put on the blog, besides the one on the bottom for my genealogy research business- did you know I became an ICAPGen credentialed Accredited Genealogist this Spring? Someone has to have a burning genealogy problem which they want a professional to take a crack at around these parts. If you know anyone in need of a professional genealogist, would you do me a favor and ask them to consider hiring me? I will give anyone who refers me to someone who orders a project a $100 credit towards their next project with me- just make sure to mention this blog by name in any initial contacts with me through my business website: www.myfamilygen.com
Anyway, I was only earning just over a penny a month, so I figured that ruining the user experience for a very slow buck (i.e., penny) just wasn't worth it.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, both for the ads and the shameless self-promotion of my genealogy business.
Have a great day!